Title: "Barbie Karaoke Tape Recorder With Wireless Microphones (Missing Mics) 2003 - Vintage Treasure!" Description: Let your inner superstar shine with this vintage Barbie Karaoke Tape Recorder from 2003! Please note, this listing is for the recorder unit only - the original wireless microphones are missing. Product Details: - Item: Barbie Karaoke Tape Recorder - Year: 2003 - Condition: Good (Microphones Missing) Features: The Barbie Karaoke Tape Recorder is a fun and interactive toy. While it originally came with wireless microphones, this listing is for the recorder unit only. The unit can still play tapes and provide hours of entertainment, perfect for any Barbie fan or vintage toy collector. Condition: This vintage Barbie Karaoke Tape Recorder from 2003 is in good condition, showing normal signs of wear and tear due to its age. Please note that the original wireless microphones are not included in this listing. Visual Appearance: With its iconic Barbie aesthetic, the recorder boasts a pink and purple color scheme that's sure to delight any Barbie fan. Its vintage charm and playful design make it a stand-out piece in any collection. Please note, this is a used item from 2003 and it shows normal signs of wear and tear. The original wireless microphones are missing, but the tape recorder unit itself is in good condition and functions well. If you're a collector of Barbie memorabilia or vintage toys, or you're just looking for a charming and functional piece of nostalgia, this Barbie Karaoke Tape Recorder could be just the thing you're looking for. Make this vintage treasure yours today!